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High efficiency water source chillers and heat pumps with natural refrigerant, with inverter scroll and reciprocating compressors. 20 ÷ 75 kW
Water-cooled compact chiller and reversible heat pump, scroll compressors, R410A, 6-46 kW
Water-cooled compact heating only heat pump and reversible unit, scroll compressors, R410A, 8-120 kW
Non-reversible high temperature heat pump specifically designed for geothermal applications, 20 ÷ 80 kW
Chillers and heat pumps with refrigerant R32, scroll compressors and plate heat exchangers. 38 ÷ 650 kW
Non-reversible water heat pump with scroll compressors optimized for high temperature applications, designed to reach very high temperature levels. 70 ÷ 260 kW
Water-cooled modular chiller and reversible heat pump, scroll compressors, R410A, 38-615 kW
Non-reversible water scroll heat pump optimized for high temperature applications, 70–530 kW, R134a
Water-cooled chiller and heat pumps, screw compressors with variable compression ratio and inverter control capacity modulation, R1234ze GWP < 1, 184-684 kW
Water-cooled chiller and heat pumps versions, screw compressors, R1234ze GWP < 1, 227-1096 kW
Water-cooled chiller and heat pumps, screw compressors with variable compression ratio and inverter control capacity modulation, R513A, 253-952 kW
Water-cooled chiller and heat pump versions, high efficiency at part loads, screw compressors, R513A, 431-1564 kW